Dead Sea salt is also called Dead Man's Salt and is harvested from a salt water body. The mineral composition of the material differs greatly from oceanic seawater. The material consists of about five thousand different minerals that are found in natural seawater and many minerals that were added by the Dead Sea during the last thousand years.

The Dead Sea is located in the Judean Desert, in Israel. It is about sixty miles long and thirty miles wide. The Dead Sea was a lake, which is now surrounded by dunes and is the largest saltwater lake in the world. The land surrounding the lake is mostly rocky.

The water temperature in the lake is extremely hot, which makes the water very dry. The temperature is about seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit. The lake and its salt content have been tested for over three thousand years and it has always been a dry place. Some of the materials that the Dead Sea has in its mineral content include calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, aluminum oxide, sodium chloride, and magnesium chloride. The minerals are the main ingredients that make up its Dead Man's Salt.

Dead sea salt is not widely sold as a commodity and is more commonly used for home health care products. Because the salt content in the water is so high, there is no plants or animals present. This is another reason that sea salt is not commercially sold. Instead, people make their own at home. Many people like to add a few drops of sea salt to their toothpaste, shampoo, and other household products.

There is a myth that the Dead Sea salt can help prevent heart attacks and strokes. There is no scientific evidence that supports this belief. There is also no evidence that any scientific research has been conducted to determine whether sea salt can aid with the treatment or prevention of cancer. There are also several stories that say that sea salt has been a source of medicine for many years and that people living in the area are able to cure themselves of all kinds of illnesses because of it.

It is not known whether sea salt has any long term health benefits for humans. The best it has been proven to be in the past to have beneficial effects on the heart is for people who suffer from hypertension and are diagnosed with congestive heart failure. However, there have also been no long term studies to prove the effectiveness of sea salt on people who do not have hypertension or congestive heart failure.

People who are trying to lose weight, especially those who are overweight, may want to consider using sea salt to supplement their diet. The salt content of the sea salt may actually help them reduce the number of calories that they eat. The salt helps to break down the food that they eat and increase the amount of water in the bloodstream. This can lead to losing a few extra pounds in a relatively short period of time.

Many companies sell sea salt at a very low price and many times, the sea salt can be combined with other healthy substances to produce a unique product. Many people like to add a few drops of bath salt from Dead Sea Salt to their bath water or in their shampoo. This can be a healthy alternative to water baths that can cause a lot of discomforts. The sea salt helps to detoxify the body and can help the body to naturally flush out the toxins in the system. Other natural ingredients may be added to the mix to give the product a very unique taste.