Massage therapy has been used for centuries to ease muscle tension and reduce stress and pain. It has been used for thousands of years in many cultures as a healing tool. Touching is a natural tool for conveying support and compassion as well as being a natural human reaction to pain.

When you bang your knee or bump your head what do you do? Naturally, you rub it and the rubbing helps it to feel better. Over the course of history, healers have developed a range of manipulation techniques that relax the muscles and reduce the pain.

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Over time, this has been fine-tuned into the practice of massage therapy and bodywork. There are many massage modalities used today. Swedish massage, the most widely used modality with long strokes that provide relaxation.

Deep tissue massage uses similar strokes, but the strokes go across the grain of the muscle instead of with the muscle as in Swedish massage. Deep tissue massage can have some mild discomfort associated with it, but the results of the relaxed state of the muscle in a couple of days are well worth it.

The hot stone massage is a relaxing sensory treat! The water-heated stones are strategically placed to deeply warm the muscles allowing for deep tissue work without some of the pain.