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Tag: thumb sucking prevention

How Thumb Sucking Affects Children

Many parents struggle with the concept of their child sucking their thumb from birth to preschool or elementary school age. It is natural for babies to latch on to their thumbs, but beyond a certain age it can damage teeth and oral health in the future.

Understandably, thumb sucking in childhood is an incentive to help adolescents who get less stimulation than just sipping on a bottle or nipple. However, after a certain age, serious damage to the skin of the thumb and the health of the oral cavity of the child in the future can occur.

You can visit the Amazon UK website to purchase devices for thumb sucking hindrance in children.

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At certain ages, when the tooth grows in the thumb, suction can push the tooth out. It most commonly occurs between the ages of 2 and 4 years, it is the most common. Thumb sucking between 3 and 4 years of age can be a sign for parents to save for future orthodontic treatment as it will likely be needed.

In addition, thumb suction can continuously expose the skin of the thumb to a warm, moist environment in the mouth, which can cause hardening, redness of the skin of the thumb, and sometimes even cracking and bleeding if the thumb suction is strong and intense.

Until a certain age, the pacifier can help provide the child with suction instead of using the thumb. Pacifiers cannot be sucked in the same way as the skin of the thumb, which can be damaged or even infected. Demonstrate other habits that distract you from thumb sucking, such as: B. Swing, move, or stimulate your hand to keep it away from your mouth.

Ways to Stop Your Child’s Habit of Sucking Thumb

Thumb sucking is a reflex that is found in humans and primates. Reflex disappears by 4 months of age; but a habit that continues longer because babies learn that the habit was not only able to provide valuable nutrients, but also a lot of fun, comfort, and warmth.

According to pediatricians, dentists, and psychologists, parents do not have to worry until the age of 5. Only if it continues beyond that, it can cause speech problems and dental problems. You can also visit to look for thumb sucking prevention devices online.

What can be done to stop it?

1. Search for the reason:

Parents must first observe the pattern. When or before whom, how often, etc. If a child sucks his thumb to fall asleep, or calm it will be replaced over a period of time. Applying a bitter substance to the fingers or wearing gloves is not recommended.

2. Do not shame or ridicule the child in front of others

Most kids want to give up but they do not realize when they start sucking their thumb. Tell them you are there to help when they are ready for it. When they go to school, her classmate's tease is in itself a substantial barrier to the habit.

3. Progress Chart

Make chart progress and involve children in making plans. Decide together what reward he will get at the end of each day or week for not sucking her thumb.

4. Praise and support

Offer lots of praise when he does not suck her thumb to reinforce the desired behavior. Tell him you understand how difficult it is to break the habit and you appreciate the effort.

Children’s Dental Care and Early Prevention

Your child Dental Care begins before birth. Did you know that your child's teeth can start the first phase of the development of the fetus between the third and sixth months of pregnancy and shortly after 6 weeks? This is when the basic substance is formed. A soon to be a mother should practice healthy eating habits early on.

Good nutrition is important during pregnancy for proper dental care, oral health in the development of children's teeth. The right amount of calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D, and phosphorus are necessary for inclusion in the mother's diet, along with milk, soy products, green vegetables, and cereals. You can get to know more about thumb sucking prevention via visiting

Certain medications should be avoided during pregnancy, such as tetracycline, which can cause damage to the substance found in the developing teeth of the embryo.

Your child's first visit to the Dentist

It is very important to ensure your child's first visit to the Dentist is a pleasant experience. We all know how important first impressions, they can last a lifetime. Your child's first visit should be between the ages of 1 and 2. The dentist can check for early signs of tooth decay and also suggest fluoride treatment to help prevent decay. You also can discuss with him, sucking his thumb, a habit most children thrive.

He can advise you about some of the methods used to stop this habit and help prevent harm to the developing tooth. Inform the dentist of illness or medication your child may be taking. If you do not understand one recommendation, do not be afraid to ask for a more detailed explanation.

Does It Really Matter If Your Kid Sucks Their Thumb

It is generally agreed that thumb sucking is not a problem for children younger than five and that they should not be pressurized to stop. The majority of children will give up the habit themselves by the time they enter kindergarten. But some kids dont stop thumb sucking after the age of five. You can use thumb sucking shield to stop thumb sucking of your kid.

About three-quarters of babies will suck their thumbs or fingers of them during their first year and it was perfectly normal and appropriate behavior. Even when the habit is continued beyond that period is generally nothing to worry about and certainly does not indicate that a child has any emotional problems.

When they enter preschool, children are far fewer will suck their thumbs, especially because this could be the age when they begin to be teased by other children. At this stage, the thumb sucking can also cause dental problems and a child still sucking a finger or thumb at the age of 5 can develop problems such as the permanent teeth start to come through.

These habits not only affect the composition of their teeth, increasing the chance they have an abnormal bite or overbite, also can make it harder for them to make certain sounds such as the sound of S and they can develop speech problems.

If your child has difficulty stopping this habit then there are many things you can do. The first is to identify when your child is most likely to suck their thumbs as if it only occurs during sleep or home then the chances become a less serious problem for the rest, than when it occurs during social situations or at school.

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