There may be some retirees out there who believe that every new product that comes out will be useless for them. There may even be some elderly people who resent companies for making products that are too small or too complicated for older generations. While this may be true of some products, there are definitely some really useful products and gadgets that seniors can use with ease.

The neat thing is that there are some great products that are strictly for fun and others that could actually improve a retiree's quality of life and safety. Clocks for elders with dementia is a great collection because a normal touch will provide them with health benefits.

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Seniors should look into the many products that are made with them in mind, and they should definitely do this if they are in need of senior care. It helps the caregiver by having items around that facilitate the elderly person's life. If you do need an assisted living home, look into the various senior care options.

A smart mirror could record and evaluate body position and motion to identify posture and movement issues, as well as offer feedback for corrective actions.

Successful development and implementation of smart mirrors for healthcare applications will require overcoming new challenges in engineering, computer vision, machine learning, and biomedical research.

We envision that smart mirrors comprising a combination of intelligent hardware and software could identify subtle, yet clinically relevant changes in physique and appearance.