Much has been said about the health benefits of green tea so we tend to forget about some of the common side effects of green tea. In general, tea is considered good for health and energy. But it can also be dangerous for certain people. It is true when we talk about green or organic tea which is often intended to cure certain health conditions.

One type of organic tea has recently become very popular. This is known as weight loss tea. If you have struggled to lose weight for some time; Chances are you are considering green tea as the next magic formula to get back in shape.

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While it is true that green or organic tea is good for weight loss, you must be very careful about the quality of the product you use. You might end up losing money without losing weight if you are looking for a poor quality product. Because of this, it's better to research about various brands of weight loss teas before buying one for you.

In addition, you should avoid drinking herbal tea in the following conditions. You can easily avoid side effects if you remember the following things.

Don't leave tea all night. Loss of nutritional value and even bacteria begin to multiply.

Make sure you don't brew the tea too much. Aside from its bitter taste, it can damage your intestine and digestive system as a whole.

  • Avoid green tea if you are undergoing other treatments.
  • You should avoid mixing with your alcohol session. This combination is dangerous for kidney function.
  • Weight loss teas are formulated to help you reduce weight. They basically inhibit the absorption of nutrients and fat, therefore, help you lose weight. However, it might be dangerous for people suffering from iron deficiency.
  • Not recommended for people suffering from insomnia.
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers should avoid drinking weight loss tea because the caffeine content is passed on to the child. Early exposure to caffeine may be harmful to a child's growth. During the pregnancy, you can use 'organic tea for expecting woman' (which is known as 'th bio pour femme enceinte' in the French language.)