Utilizing the free energy of the earth under your feet, it is undeniable that geothermal energy is environmentally friendly and responsible.

Geothermal cooling and heating system use the comparatively constant temperature of the earth to cool and heat homes and uses 40% to 70% less energy than a conventional system.  

It also has the added benefit of giving free domestic hot water during the summer and reduces costs for domestic hot water during the winter. You can have a peek here if you want to get a geothermal heat pump system installed.

Installation for geothermal heat pumps has high upfront costs. There are many variables – where you live, the land to be drilled, square foot home – and although everyone agrees about the high initial cost, how much is still unclear at best.

On the other hand, a geothermal heat pump offers high efficiency and low operating costs. Savings on electricity bills promptly and fairly.

According to the EPA, geothermal heat pumps can save homeowners 30 to 70 percent on heating and 20 to 50 percent on refrigeration costs over conventional systems. The use of geothermal energy could prove good financial decisions for the long-term homeowners.

In the end, geothermal heat pumps require little maintenance and are durable. They have fewer mechanical problems and underground pipes that are used often guaranteed to last 25 to 50 years.

Quiet to operate and pollution-free, a geothermal heat pump is an underutilized technology with huge potential in the long term.